
Dumitru Sevastian


Dumitru Sevastian

At the moment, there is a tremendous need for servants who have a life which is clean and filled with the Holy Spirit, whose faith is based on a profound study of the Holy Scriptures and which are ready to serve the Lord in the society as well as in the church. The bachelor program in pastoral theology has the goal of preparing such servants.

Curriculum Overview

Below are the subjects you will cover during your three years of training. These are geared towards developing professional skills as well as the spiritual discipline to become a person of strong character.



The Art of Communication

Cornelia Curtis

Spiritual formation

Gheorghe Mihailov

History of Christianity

Dan Banaru

Introduction to Islam

Victor Ormaji

Introduction to the O.T.

Ion Miron

Introduction to the N.T.​

Vitalie Fedula

Introduction to Moodle

Iurie Malancea

Introduction to Systematic Theology

Serghei Ghermanov


Anatol Malancea

Learning Activity Methodology

Pavel Poperecinii

Bible Study Methods

Dan Banaru

Romans and Galatians

Dumitru Sevastian

Theology and Practice of Worship

Dan Banaru


Anatol Malancea

Biblical Archaeology

Vadim Bulgac

Intercultural Communication

Vyacheslav Tvirinko


Dan Banaru

Islamic World Culture

Dmitry Kotick


Gheorghe Mihailov

Introduction to Pedagogy

Pavel Poperecinii

Study of the Book of Acts

Victor Ormaji

Biblical Theology of Family

Mihail Malancea

Our Professors:

Divitia Gratiae University

Dumitru Sevastian

Prorector, Academic Dean, Teaches New Testament, Greek. Ph.D.

Pavel Poperechnii

Pavel Poperecinii

Prorector, Teacher of Mission Theology, New Testament Theology and more, M.A

Vitalie Fedula UDG

Vitalie Fedula

Teaches within the Theology Program, M.A.

Cornelia Curtis UDG

Cornelia Curtis

Teaches within the Theology Program, M.A.

Anatolie Chirilov UDG

Anatolie Chirilov

Teaches within the Theology and Missions Program, M.A.

Dan Banaru UDG

Dan Banaru

Teaches within the Theology Program, M.A.