Social WOrk

Vadim Bulgac


Vadim Bulgac

The society we live in today can be called as “The World of Need”. As never before, today’s society does not know what to do with people who are going through difficulties or have special needs. Some think that the families in which these people were born are responsible for solving their needs while others think of methods of help by burdening the state, while others support the idea that the Church is responsible for the people in need. What do you think? Within Divitia Gratiae University, a special program in social work has been developed with the objective of preparing Christians which have the calling from God to serve their neighbors in Moldova as well as in Central Asia. If you feel a strong God’s calling and you want to help people who are in need, our program in social work studies is one of the best places for that. 

If you want to pursue social work and aspire to make a real difference in your community, the undergraduate program at Divitia Gratiae University is just what you need.

Christian values play an important role in learning and help future professionals gain a deeper understanding of their work. The ethical aspects of work are emphasized here, which is especially important for professionals who work with people.

Graduates of this program will be able to:




Years to Complete


Delivery Platforms


Our Lecturers:

Divitia Gratiae University

Vadim Bulgac

Dean of Social Work Program, Teaches on Christian history, Ethics and Archeology, M.A.

Mariana Iorgu UDG

Mariana Iorgu

Teaches on Emotional Intellect, Psychology. M.A.

Ildica Doncila UDG

Ildica Doncilă

Teaches within the Social Work Program, M.A.

Elena Constantinova

Teaches within the Social Work Program, M.A.

Ludmila Caragia

Teaches Counseling, Rhetoric, M.A.

Mihai Malancea

Teaches Theology of the Family, Missiology, Intercultural studies, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.